Healthy, News, Recipes, Reviews

It’s that time of year….

…when you can’t open your eyes without reading “New Year, New You” and you Honestly (Healthy) believe you’ll turn into Deliciously Ella overnight.

Yep, January, we love you for being the most optimistic month of the year. And just like everyone else, we too love the health kick it brings. If not Jan then when?

With this in mind we wanted to bring your attention to this lovely lot…..



If you want to start your detox off with a bang, look no further than Presscription. Featuring 100% raw, organic, unpasteurised and cold-pressed juices and nut mylks that are designed to aid health and wellbeing.

We LOVED how each bottle tells you exactly what it’s doing. For example, you’ll start your day with The Green Revive (cucumber, celery, apple, romaine, lemon, ginger, cayenne) which is excellent for your stomach, liver & colon apparently. And who are we to argue? Each drink has been painstakingly formulated by an expert team of nutritionists, chefs and holistic and homeopathic practitioners!

You can purchase each juice individually but we recommend a Signature Cleanse comprising of one day’s dose of 5x 500ml cold-pressed juices, 1 x 500ml nut mylk, 2x 30ml booster shots. To be taken in order (they are also numbered on your bottles so you can’t go wrong!)

Every 500ml Presscription product contains over 1kg of organic produce in uncompromised liquid form and is predominantly made up of fresh vegetables. If fruit is present it is at a ratio of 20% fruit to vegetables, keeping sugar levels low. The juices are overflowing with beneficial and readily digestible vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes with absolutely nothing added: no sugar, sweeteners, water, preservatives or anything artificial.

Be warned though, they do have a limited shelf life (because they are super super fresh) so there is no putting it off!

We don’t think we could do it for more than one day (come on, you’ve seen our Instagram page!) but we loved trying it for the day. The juices were surprisingly filling and really punchy. Our absolute faves were number 6. the ENERGISE shot (pineapple, siberian ginseng, and ginkgo biloba) and number 8. the MYLK MAKE-WELL: (activated almonds, medjool dates, himalayan sea salt, vanilla bean, alkaline water) which really felt like a dessert!

Presscription cleanses are available to order online via in one to seven day options and are priced accordingly, starting from £65 for one day through to £375 for seven days if you are feeling hardcore.



A Modern way to Cook

Our favourite present we received this Christmas has to be Anna Jones’ second cookbook – A Modern Way to Cook. It’s packed full of the most delicious, interesting, healthy, but blimmin’ easy recipes, split out by cooking time so you know you’re not embarking on an unrealistic challenge after work! The hardest part about flicking through it is choosing just one thing to cook. We’ve tried out the Kale, tomato & lemon magic one-pot spaghetti & last night the smell of the freshly baked pecan and banana bread was so irresistible we could barely wait for it to finish cooking. Who wants to come round for tea?? Oh and it’s vegetarian, but we barely notice which is a great sign, don’t you think?

With that in mind you’ll need some ingredients which bring us on to….


The Groovy Food Company

We are sure you’ve seen The Groovy Food Company in your local health food shop, and that’s because they are THE go to brand for natural food products – they’ve even gone and won awards so it’s not just us that thinks they are great.

We used the Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil & the Agave Nectar in the banana bread (above) with delicious results. The quality is really good and we always find it super affordable (which let’s face it, many healthy products are NOT.)

All products are suitable for those on gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan diets and are free from added sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

Just in case you haven’t got Anna’s book here are a few other recipes to get stuck into…


Ginger and coconut puddingscoconut-and-ginger-puddings

Serves 8


100g The Groovy Food Company Rich and Dark Agave Nectar

1 tsp icing sugar mixed with a pinch of ground ginger

6 pieces stem ginger, plus 3 tbsp of the syrup

75g The Groovy Food Company Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, melted

200ml warm water

1 inch of fresh ginger, grated

½ tsp ground ginger

½ tsp allspice

175g self-raising flour

½ tsp baking powder

¾ tsp bicarbonate of soda

2 eggs



  1. Preheat oven to 180°C and grease 8 darial moulds and then dust with a mixture of icing sugar and ground ginger.
  2. Finely chop the stem ginger or whiz in a small food processor. Melt the coconut oil with the stem ginger syrup in a pan until simmering, then add the warm water.
  3. Sieve the flour into a large bowl, then add the sugar, fresh ginger, ground ginger, allspice, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda and mix thoroughly.
  4. Stir in the eggs and coconut oil mixture and whisk with an electric hand whisk until smooth. Fold in the chopped stem ginger.
  5. Divide between the moulds, making sure they are no more than 2/3 full then place on a baking sheet and cook for approximately 13-15 minutes.
  6. The puddings will have risen, so level out the tops with a knife and then turn out and serve with custard or cream.

The Groovy Food Company’s products are available from major retailers (Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Asda, and the like) and independent health food stores across the country and through the website:



If that all sounds like too much effort here are top choices to grab and go…



Cuckoo Bircher Muesli

Perfect for those morning’s when you don’t even have time to chuck your five a day into the nutri bullet, Cuckoo is our fav on the go brekkie option. For the uninitiated, Bircher is akin to a creamy chilled porridge – not really selling it are we?

Ok – how do you like the sound of *Award-winning* Apple & Cinnamon Spice and Mango & Coconut, as well as the mighty Elderflower & Cranberry, Apricot & Madagascan Vanilla and our fav – Choco Sour Cherry. Super delish and on average only 236 calories per pot if you’re counting.

You can grab them just about anywhere too – simples! At the moment you can even get them for a quid in Waitrose!!




To start with, we LOVE the hashtag – #StupidlyHealthy

And they are not lying! These juices are cold pressed which we now know is a by-word for saying – you can’t get any healthier than this! So grab a juice on the go and feel pretty smug that you are getting every last drop of goodness out of it. At least 4 portions of fruit and veg are in each bottle, cool huh?

Unlike some healthy healthy juices, these really do taste great. Choose from three flavours Green, Orange or Purple featuring Kale, Carrots & Beetroot respectively.

Doisy and Dam

Well – what can we say. We always knew chocolate was good for you. Actually it’s GREAT for you when you’re eating Doisy & Dam’s superfood selection.

We honestly hand on heart prefer it to the overly sugary options out there and it’s our go to bar at the end of the day with a good cuppa!

The packaging is gorgeous too so you’ll be proud to have it out on show. It’s pretty impossible to choose a favourite to be honest but if we had to maybe it’d be Maca vanilla & cacao nibs but there’s tons of interesting ones to choose from – Quinoa, Smoked Tea & Vanilla anyone?

Not only that, they are surprisingly affordable – a small bar is just £1.75 whilst a large one (perfect for sharing) is £3.50. You’ll NEVER go for a bog standard bar again.


Wow Chia

Maximising the most out of your juice – these guys have upped the ante by adding those little seeds of goodness.

Although, an acquired texture (you’ll be fine if you’re the type to go for orange juice “with bits”) each bottle of cold-press juice has these added benefits:

More protein than an egg
More omega 3 than a salmon fillet
3x more fibre than a bowl of porridge &
5x more calcium than a glass of milk

Pretty impressive, huh? Choose from ‘Pomegranate & Watermelon’, ‘Orange & Mango’, ‘Apple, Kiwi & Spinach’ and ‘Pineapple & Lemon’

And to get you moving…….. how about some donation only yoga??

SupplySupply Yoga

Ideal for anyone in the Hackney/Clapton/Homerton area, super babe Abi Nolan started Supply Yoga last year, with the aim of providing yoga to EVERYONE. The idea being that you pay what you can for your class (the suggestion is £5-£7) and then that donation will cover someone that can’t quite afford it right now. Not only will you be improving your physical & mental health, you’ll be doing it with a really lovely fun crowd (no pretentious yoga bullshit here) & helping someone else out in the process. That ticks at least 2 of your New Year’s resolutions, right?

Grab a friend & check it out tonight and every Wednesday at Chats Palace.


We hope this little lot keeps you guys on the straight and narrow long into the New Year! Cheers!

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