Central, News, Recipes

The Deconstructed Martini

Ahhh, the Martini. Aside from a cup of tea or a Bloody Mary, it’s probably the drink people are most particular about. Do you shake or stir? Lemon garnish or an olive?

Well, luckily enough for you perfectionists, to celebrate the launch of the mini Crystal Head bottles we have a very special recipe for you – The Deconstructed Martini!

Serves One

1 x Miniature bottle of Crystal Head Vodka

50ml of dry vermouth

Choice of Garnishes

1 x Nocellara olive

1 x lime twist

1 x lemon twist

1 x grapefruit twist


1 x chilled martini glass

1 x Parisian style shaker filled with ice

1 x chilled ‘hip-flask’ (for Vermouth)


Pour Crystal Head Vodka in the shaker and pour required quantity of vermouth, close the shaker and shake or if you prefer your Martini stirred than just gently roll the shaker.


Pour cocktail into the chilled glass and garnish to taste.


Fancy trying it out? The deconstructed martini is available exclusively in just three of London’s hottest venues; Lights of Soho, Galvin at Windows and Hush.

Alternatively if you fancy trying this at home the Crystal Head skull miniatures are available from Gerry’s Wine and Spirits and Just Miniatures.

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