Central, Reviews

Steam with Miele

When the invitation for a “calorie-neutral” evening landed in my inbox from Miele I must confess I was….apprehensive!
So I dragged my friend along for the evening but failed to tell her that before we get to eat anything we have to put in a full 40 minutes of body balance! As fantastic as the class was, no one is really dressed for it and there is far more giggling then your average gym session.

Finally we get to the good stuff! Miele teamed up with the award-winning Head Chef at The Boundary, Frederick Forster, who served up 5 dainty but delicious steamed dishes! These included, quail egg fondue, scallop and chorizo skewers, beef fillet bean sprout salad, lemon sole stuffed with prawns..and wait for it – we even got dessert. Banana cake with confit pineapple and chantilly, steamed of course.

All in all a great concept which really pushed the boundaries on healthy steam cooking.
However, it would have been significantly improved with a glass of wine – how many extra minutes of body balance is that?! :-/


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