East, Reviews

Queen of Hoxton – Wig Wam Bam

We drank all the alcohol. My bad.
Wig Wam Bam at the Queen of Hoxton “launch” party (although they did it last year, but hey, any excuse for a party) And what a party it was!
A6E22rjCMAErvzK-225x300While not the first place I’d think to suggest for dinner – it has a wigwam, on a friggin roof guys! Covered with fairy lights! We ate pulled pork, crackling, venison steak and a couple of fat bangers – all cooked on a massively impressive German fire pit– imported over extra specially.87bd22781ec811e29a0d22000a9f1320_7-300x300

By about 9pm it had started to resemble a soup kitchen (soup in a tin mug, the band playing everything from Otis Redding to Beyonce and not a sober person in sight) Chuck in a couple of s’mores and hot choc laced with the good stuff and you got me looking at my phone at 4am thinking, thank f*ck for Addy Lee. X


by @Staceysssssss







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