East, Reviews

Psychic Burger

There’s no need to write about how awesome theses burgers are. Because they’re psychic.
and they know already. Get it? Psychic?



Taking residence upstairs in Birthdays in Dalston; Psychic Burger is serving up the American style, brioche bound fat patty’s that we have come to expect from most East London burger joints. That’s not to say they’re to be over looked; with lashings of melted Monterey Jack cheese seeping over a medium rare 172g blend of chuck steak and fore-rib and strangely light to hold, these are the kind of burgers that are just a delight to eat.




I’m a bit funny about the burgers that fall under what can’t be denied as being a big ‘trend’ right now. If it’s too complex , heaped with tumbling parts and take any form of thought as to how I’m gonna eat it without getting shit down myself then I’m out. Don’t give me food that I have to handle like a baby without a nappy. Saying this, Psychic Burger have a nice balance of veering on the messy side just enough that you feel you have achieved something when you wipe that last smudge of Psychic sauce off your chin. Kinda like that great sense of achievement you get when you finally do some menial chore that you’ve put off for ages.


Crafted with care...eaten with joy :)

Crafted with care…eaten with joy 🙂

We shared bites of the Psychic Burger – where their Big Mac’esque Psychic Sauce really comes out to play and their Crab burger that looks like they have just deep fried an angry crab and slipped it into a brioche bun.

The crab burger came with a sweet chilli dressing and a complimenting garlic aioli. An unfussy and satisfying eat. Whilst the Psychic’ made for a good classic burger. It tastes how you imagine a burger to taste. Like the burgers in the movies.


The cheesy fries were as you would expect, a blend of (two?) cheeses melted over classic french fries served in an all american basket. Not anything out of the ordinary here but definitely not in a bad way! They were delicious with the right amount of crunch juxtaposed with the stringy melted cheese.

Overall I’d say, at a time where everyone’s pimping out their latest ‘proper’ burger to the hipsters, Psychic Burger should take comfort in the fact that they’re owning middle of the road. It wont blow you out of the water, it’s not fancy or overly gimmicky; it’s just a good burger and fries. Next time you’re hungry and imagine satisfying that hunger with a tasty burger…. that burger is a Psychic burger.

A return journey will definitely be on the cards to sample the rest of the menu! Especially if their horse burger ever makes a return!


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