Reviews, Street Food

Pig & Hay – Chapel Market

Having moved from Leather Lane and Exmouth Market being my local lunchtime haunts I was disappointed with Chapel Market.
What it lacks in food stalls it makes up with fake iPad cases, lighters and shit clothes. So imagine my delight when I spotted the Pig and Hay stall.On my first visit the pork had all run out by the time id got close enough to smell it.But a queue and a sell out is definitely a good sign right?

So of course I went back the next day and got there just in time as everything was sold out bar the Vietnamese pork! But I can’t complain – it was worth returning for.


Served with Asian ‘slaw, pickles and a dash of chilli sauce, it’s a cumbersome little sandwich with amazing pulled pork trying to escape. Its definitely one of those sandwiches you have a love / hate relationship with – you love that its like holding a small baby in one hand, brimming with meat and flavoursome juices  BUT you hate that there aren’t enough napkins in the world that could control the mess you’ll make as you try and eat it with dignity. Or maybe that’s just me and I eat like a child?


If you’re in the area then I urge you to go pay Pig & Hay a visit (before 2pm improves your chances of being fed!!) I definitely will to try the rest of the pork on offer 🙂


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