We’ve heard exciting news that LeCoq will now be handing over Monday nights to a whole bunch of amazing chefs who will be cooking whatever the hell they want! Literally, ANYTHING!
To give you a taster of what to expect:
Ben Tish (of the AWESOME Salt Yard Group) with his opening Ibérican Pork Feast
Meera Sodha author of ‘Made in India’
Sarit and Itamar from the brilliant Honey & Co
Tom Parry who runs the grills at Climpson’s Arch
Christian Angius chef of the INSANELY popular Coppa.
Each month a different Chef, each time a different experience!
The first event will be………..
ALSO to celebrate Real Wine Month (which is this month people!) LeCoq have teamed up with Les Caves de Pyrenes and have selected some natural, delectable & appropriately mad wines to serve you with Ben’s beautiful food.
Book some tickets and come along! It’s gonna be OFF THE HOOK (well, rotisserie).
To make a booking for this sumptuous event contact LeCoq directly on 0207 359 5055 or info@le-coq.co.uk
Be armed with a card to make payment for your tickets, which will be £40 each – this will cover all the food you will feast upon that evening. The delicious natural wines can be picked on the night and are an extra charge.
Your ticket is fully refundable if cancellations are made 48hrs before the event. Please let us know of any dietary requirements or if in fact you are a veggie (we have a secret menu up our sleeves!).
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